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Organizations that support arts

Check out these great agencies who need YOUR skills and interests as a volunteer! Click on the name of the agency to view their current volunteer needs.

  • Mission Statement: To inspire a creative community through promoting, cultivating and sustaining the arts in Lincoln.

  • Mission Statement: Through the performance and advancement of symphonic music, Lincoln’s Symphony Orchestra will enrich, educate and entertain current and potential audiences.

  • Mission Statement: To enhance the lives of a diverse public through the visual arts by providing exceptional learning opportunities in contemporary art, crafts and design.

  • Mission Statement: To make classical music a necessary component of every Nebraskan's definition of "The Good Life".

  • Sheldon Museum of Art preserves, presents, and builds its collections, giving special emphasis to American art through cultural and transnational study. Sheldon invites inquiry and imagination in its educational offerings, contributes to the intellectual life of the University of Nebraska, and serves the needs of a diverse general public.

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