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YLL XV 2011-2012


Participants in this program are high school sophomores. They spend one day a month together discovering there are others like them outside their geographic bubble who live in other parts of the city and county. They grow to understand how our city, county and state function, they gain a deeper understanding of businesses in Lincoln and they broaden their understanding of Lincoln’s nonprofit sector as well.

The Youth cohort is interactive and hands-on helping the participants develop leadership and team participation skills. They have the opportunity to meet with community leaders from across Lincoln and learn how they can help maintain the quality of life we enjoy.

Over the years, we’ve watched as participants in our Youth cohort have furthered their education and moved into leadership positions in the community. In fact, some of them serve on our staff and our Board as well as a wide variety of community programs.

Participants in our youth program come from schools throughout Lancaster county and begin their year together with a retreat that helps them begin to develop leadership skills, form teams and understand group dynamics. Each month during the year they’ll learn about community visions, business, government, human services, and health.

Application and Selection Process

  1. Information Session

    Applicants and their guardians are invited (but not required) to attend an Informational Session before applying. Leadership Lincoln staff will discuss the program, review the application process, and answer questions.
    Tuesday, April 29, 2025, from 6:00-7:30pm at Turbine Flats (2124 Y St, Lincoln, NE 68503, Resonator Gallery)

  2. Any student who will be in 10th grade in Lancaster County in 2025-2026 is welcome to apply for Youth Leadership Lincoln.
    Applications are available online or by calling Leadership Lincoln to request a paper application be mailed. Applications are also distributed in all high schools.

    Applicants are responsible for making sure ALL application materials are returned to the Leadership Lincoln office by May 18, 2025.
    The application includes:

  3. Class Selection

    Selection is a highly competitive process. The Selection Committee is comprised of volunteers and Youth alumni. The Committee selects a class of about 40 students reflecting a diversity of experience and interests, gender, ethnicity, abilities, and school representation.

  4. Notification

    All applicants will be notified by mail regarding selection results.

Youth Program Schedule

  • Opening Retreat (August)
    Opening Retreat (August)

    A two-day, one-night seminar held at a camp near Lincoln which allows participants to explore leadership skills, group dynamics, and team-building.
    Attendance is required for the entire two-day, one-night retreat.

  • Seminars (September-April)
    Seminars (September-April)

    All-day seminars scheduled on Fridays each month. The Youth cohort seeks to teach leadership skills through exposure to and interaction with the leaders of community systems.
    Attendance is required at 80% of the programming hours.

  • Tuition for the program is $350.00
    Tuition for the program is $350.00
    • Applying to the Youth cohort is free and open to all Lancaster County students.
    • Leadership Lincoln charges a tuition fee of $350.00 to all individuals selected to participate in the program. Tuition is nonrefundable.
    • Tuition assistance is available through a scholarship program. If an applicant is interested in scholarship support, that request must be made when their application is submitted. Scholarships will be offered to applicants at the discretion of the Selection Committee.

Meet the Members of Youth 28

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