Nominate a community leader today and help us recognize their contribution to making Lincoln stronger!
How To Nominate:
- Complete the online nomination form below.
- You must complete the nomination in one visit to this page. As such, it might be helpful to type your answers in a separate word processing document and then revisit this page and copy/paste your answers into the fields.
- Please provide enough information to allow the Selection Committee to get the best representation of the nominee and their community engagement.
- Or submit your nomination offline:
- Mail: 2124 Y St, Lincoln, NE 68503
- Email: bevans@leadershiplincoln.org (Brendan Evans)
Bud Cuca Servant Leader of the Year Award
In order to recognize the importance of servant leadership in our community, Leadership Lincoln created The Bud Cuca Servant Leader of the Year Award. This award is presented annually to honor a member of the community who has lived and embodied the ideals of servant leadership by leading from the heart, and using his/her talents, gifts and leadership ability to make a better future for the entire community, including all of its citizens.
The selection criteria are:
- Exceptional community involvement
- Exceptional community leadership
- Actions that both honor our community’s history and contribute to its future
- Servant leadership
Past Award Recipients:
2022 - Dr. Randy Bretz
2021 - Pat Lopez
2020 - Dr. Bob Rauner
2019 - Michelle Zinke
2018 - Stuart Stofferahn
2017 - Clinic with a Heart Clinic Operations Group
2016 - Ruth McKinstry
2016 - Shayne Pears
2015 - Ed Wimes
2014 - Randy Hawthorne
2013 - Bruce Hull
2010 - Lorraine & Charles Pallesen
2006 - Pete Allman
2005 - Kim Robak
2004 - Jerry & Louise Schleich
2003 - Brent Toalson
2002 - Beatty Brasch
2001 - Dick Patterson
2000 - Ed & Dorothy Schwartzkopf
1999 - Scott Young
Melvin W. Jones Mentoring Award
The Melvin W. Jones Mentoring Award honors Dr. Melvin Jones who all throughout his life, mentored many individuals (adults and youth) in the pursuit and achievement of their professional and personal aspirations and goals. Help us to recognize a member of the community who impacts the lives of others through the development of significant mentoring relationships; encourages and inspires others in mentoring relationships and demonstrates servant leadership through commitment to mentoring relationships and promoting diversity in community leadership.
The selection criteria are:
- Development of significant relationships with others to assist them in career, personal, and community growth issues
- Impact on others’ lives
- Encouragement of others to engage in mentoring relationships
- Service as a role model and inspiration to those mentored
- Demonstrated trusteeship of the community through a commitment to mentoring relationships and promoting diversity in community leadership and servant leadership
Past Award Recipients:
2022 - Dr. Colette Yellow Robe
2021 - Karen Kassebaum
2020 - Dr. Jeannine Falter
2019 - Dustin Oltman
2018 - Keisha Thomas
2017 - Dr. Jeannette Jones Vazansky
2016 - Tim Linsenmeyer
2015 - Charlesette "Charlie" Foster
2014 - John Harris
2013 - Mauricio “Marty” Ramirez
2010 - Dr. Jake Kirkland & Dr. Dolores Simpson-Kirkland
2006 - Nathan Woods
2005 - Tom Rutz & Linda Robinson-Rutz
2004 - Kathy Campbell
2003 - T.J. McDowell
2002 - Nancy Becker
2001 - Eric Lee
2000 - Chris Martin
Alumni Distinguished Service Award
The Distinguished Service Award is presented to honor an alumnus who has displayed exceptional involvement, service, and leadership to Leadership Lincoln and to the Lincoln community.
The selection criteria are:
- Exceptional involvement, service and leadership in the Lincoln and Lancaster County community
- Exceptional involvement, service and leadership in Leadership Lincoln
- Servant leadership
Past Award Recipients:
2022 - John Chapo
2021 - Barb Derrick, Kim Hachiya
2020 - Pastor Janet Goodman-Banks
2018 - Liz Koop, the Fellows 32 MyLNK Project Team
2017 - Marilyn Moore Ed.D.
2016 - Bennie Shobe Jr.
2015 - Deane and Gerry Finnegan
2014 - Trudy Hines
2013 - Lynn Ayers
2012 - Mary Cumberland Bruning
2006 - Jan Connolly
2005 - Reginald Kuhn
2004 - Joy Citta, Sara Boatman
2003 - Tammie Burns
2002 - Jay Beermann
2001 - Rich Claussen
2000 - Rod McCullough, Susan Ugai
1999 - Charlie Meyer
1998 - Karen Flowers
1997 - Kit Boesch, Valdeen Nelsen
1996 - Dale Jensen, Cathie Petsch
1995 - Ron Ferry
1994 - Doug Evans
1993 - Deb Alward, John Perkins
1992 - Carol Jess
1991 - Jolleen Clymer
1990 - Lana Flagtwet, Jim Gordon
1989 - Linda Robinson Rutz