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Bright Lights

Bright Lights

Contact Person:
Barb Highstreet
(402) 420-1115 X49

Current Volunteer Needs

Young Adults to Serve as Bright Lights Classroom Assistants

Bright Lights takes learning beyond the classroom by providing youth with unique, motivating, hands-on learning opportunities. Developed for elementary and middle school students, the Bright Lights program offers experiences that stretch and challenge youth's interests and hobbies. Interesting educational activities are provided through summer day camps. In 2012 over 100 teachers (supported by young adult classroom assistants) offered classes to over 1300 kids.

Classroom Assistants help the teachers during a week-long session (by engaging in hands-on activities for kids, preparing supplies and materials, and helping to plan for the week’s learning activities). Classroom Assistants will volunteer 20 hours per week-long session. For seniors, this accomplishes all their required community service in a fun learning setting with master teachers and kids.

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